Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are operators that performs basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modolus.

i. Addition + operator :

Adds values on either sides of the operater. For Example:

Consider A=20 and B=10
A+B would be 30

ii. Subtraction - operator:

Subtract right hand operand from left hand operand. For Example:

Consider A=20 and B=10
A-B would be 10

iii. Multiplication * operator:

Multiply values on either sides of the operator. For example:

Consider A=20 and B=10
A*B would be 200

iv. Division / operator:

Divides left hand operand by right hand operator. For example:

Consider A=20 and B=10
A/B would be 2

v. Modulus % operator:

Divides left hand operand by right hand operator and returns the remainder. For example:

Consider A=20 and B=10
A%B would be 0

Program example of arithmetic operators

//An example of arithmetic operators

int main()
    int A = 20, B= 10;
    printf("Consider A = %d and B = %d \n",A,B);
    printf("Addition operator (A+B) = %d \n",A+B);
    printf("Subtraction operator (A-B) = %d \n",A-B);
    printf("Multiplication operator (A*B) = %d \n",A*B);
    printf("Division operator (A/B) = %d \n",A/B);
    return 0;


Consider A = 20 and B = 10
Addition operator (A+B) = 30
Subtraction operator (A-B) = 10
Multiplication operator (A*B) = 200
Division operator (A/B) = 2